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    • 主演:宋清晨 柳善 张赫镇 吴闵硕 
    • 导演:高政煜 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:韩国 
    • 年份:2018 
    • 更新:06.11
    • 简介:Someone brutally murders Young-hoon’s wife. A hair sample was found on his wife’s body and the detectives use it to trace it back to his friend Joon-s
  • 标签:剧情 
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    Someone brutally murders Young-hoon’s wife. A hair sample was found on his wife’s body and the detectives use it to trace it back to his friend Joon-sung and locks him up. Seemingly becoming a murder’s wife overnight, Da-yeon asks Young-hoon to testify on his behalf but when he doesn’t show up for the trial, she goes to visit him at his house.



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