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      Teenaged siblings Girly and Sonny lure young men back to their home to meet the eccentric Mumsy and Nanny. There, the men are forced to take part in strange games, the rules of which are never defined - and if they refuse, or transgress the unwritten rules, they're killed. But they may have met their match in New Friend, their latest victim, who starts to manipulate the foursome, setting one against the other.  Bizarre combination of late sixties avant garde and sleaze. Director Freddie Francis had made horrors for both Hammer and Amicus but this is nothing like any of them. Shot on location with an atmosphere mixing playground horror and conservatory theatre that is downright weird and unsettling. The great lost girl of sixties British horror, Vanessa Howard, shines as she does in those other rarely seen gems Corruption [1967] and What Became of Jack and Jill [1972]. If Harold Pinter had made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] for the BBC this could have resulted. Excellent and unique.


    • 6.0 更新HD中字 最后的权利 杰特·尤尔根斯米尔,梅雷迪思·奥斯特洛夫斯基
    • 3.0 更新1 爱丽丝的失踪 马丁·康普斯顿,埃迪·马森,杰玛·阿特登
    • 6.0 更新1080P 感恩节 帕特里克·德姆西,泰·奥尔森,吉娜·格申,加布里埃尔·达文波特,凯伦·克里奇,内尔·维拉克,里克·霍夫曼,德里克·麦克加特,凯瑟琳·特罗维尔,杰伦·托马斯·布鲁克斯,米卡·阿蒙森,阿曼达·巴克,沙琳·格里芬,提姆·狄龙,克里斯·桑迪福德,艾蒂森·蕾,托马索·萨内里,珍娜·沃伦,林恩·格里芬
    • 10.0 HD 死神来了1 戴文·萨瓦,艾丽·拉特,科尔·史密斯,克里森·克拉克,丹尼尔·洛巴克,罗杰·格午埃文·史密斯,查德·多纳拉,西恩·威廉·斯科特,托尼·托德,阿曼达·达特曼,布兰登·费尔,ForbesAngus,LisaMarieCaruk,克里斯汀·查特莱恩,芭芭拉·泰森
    • 4.0 HD 送葬人 道格拉斯·史密斯,卢锡安·拉维斯科特,克雷西达·博纳斯,道格·琼斯,迈克尔·特鲁科,珍娜·凯内尔,埃丽卡·特伦布莱,玛丽莎·埃切维里亚,克利奥·金,费·唐纳薇,凯瑞-安·莫斯,雷·沃纳尔,凯琳·伍黛尔,拉腊·诺克斯,乔纳森·潘内尔,尼古拉斯·萨德勒,玛莎·哈克特,库尔特·岳
    • 7.0 更新HD中字 恐怖食肉虫 唐·斯卡尔蒂诺,帕特里夏·皮尔西,R.A. Dow,Jean Sullivan,Peter MacLean,Fran Higgins,威廉·纽曼,Barbara Quinn,Carl Dagenhart,Angel Sande,Carol Jean Owens,Kim Iocouvozzi,Walter Dimmick,Leslie Thorsen,Julia Klopp


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